CLEP US History I Exam Prep - Question List

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16. Iconic American author Mark Twain got his start during which of the following significant events in American history?
  1. The War of 1812
  2. The Civil War
  3. The Gold Rush
  4. The Missouri Compromise
  5. The Spanish-American War
17. Which of the following women pressured the mainstream women's movement to include African-American women?
  1. Sojourner Truth
  2. Sarah Grimke
  3. Amelia Bloomer
  4. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  5. Angela Davis
18. Henry Hudson attempted to forward which of the following Dutch interest in the New World?
  1. Converting indigenous people to Protestantism
  2. Developing colonies for religious dissenters
  3. Finding a northwest passage to Asia
  4. Preventing the English from settling in the New World
  5. Driving France out of the northern regions
19. All of the following played a significant role in Hernán Cortéz's defeat of the Aztecs in 1521 EXCEPT
  1. Smallpox
  2. Horses
  3. Other tribes in the region
  4. Knowing the land
  5. Differing fighting styles
20. The Treaty of Greenville signed in 1791 solidified the status of Native American as which of the following?
  1. With respect to population counting, equal to slaves
  2. Citizens, but without the right to vote
  3. Residents on government property without citizenship rights
  4. A hostile people perpetually at war with the United States
  5. Full citizens who were required to pay taxes

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