CLEP Intro to Psychology Exam Prep - Question List

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96. A popular personality test that is used in mental health and employment settings is called the _______.
  1. Rorschach plate
  2. MMPI
  3. Ebbinghaus illusion
  4. CAT scan
97. Melissa believes in the popular saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’. She wishes to find empirical evidence for this saying through a research study. As part of her study, she must write a(an) ____________ statement that proposes an explanation.
  1. confirmation statement
  2. hypothesis statement
  3. operational statement
  4. reliability statement
98. Which of the following would be an example of “argument by evidence”?
  1. “A fortune cookie tells me that I shouldn’t invest in Microsoft stock”
  2. “My mother’s best friend thinks all hamburgers are bad for you”
  3. “Company statistics show that younger employees call in sick more”
  4. “Everyone knows that you starve a cold and feed a flu”
99. Jason’s employer gives him a personality test and then gives him a similar test two weeks later. This is an example of _____________.
  1. internal validity
  2. external validity
  3. criterion validity
  4. content validity

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