CLEP Intro to Psychology Exam Prep - Question List

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51. Alicia, Tom, and Donald are sick of Alan not showing up for brainstorming sessions and doing his part in the project. Alan’s behavior is an example of ____________.
  1. social laziness
  2. foot loafing
  3. social irresponsibility
  4. social loafing

Fear, disgust, anger, and sadness are considered ________ emotions.

  1. Semantic
  2. Negative
  3. Primary
  4. Secondary
53. The _________________ is the physiological structure that produces the fight-or-flight neurotransmitter epinephrine.
  1. frontal cortex
  2. occipital lobe
  3. adrenal gland
  4. cerebellum
54. People with antisocial personality disorder display _____________ emotions
  1. heightened
  2. confused
  3. antisocial
  4. blunted
55. _______________ refers to a psychological state whereby a hostage develops emotions of loyalty and sympathy for the hostage-taker.
  1. Stockholm syndrome
  2. Copenhagen syndrome
  3. Confused-state syndrome
  4. Co-habituate syndrome

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