CLEP Introduction to Sociology Exam Prep - Question List

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26. Which faculty member at the Chicago School of Sociology studied the effects of urbanization on the city and noted a rise in crime and growing conflict between races and classes?
  1. Georg Simmel
  2. Herbert Spencer
  3. Robert E. Park
  4. Benjamin Franklin
  5. Karl Marx
27. The Industrial Revolution created rapid social change, such as urbanization. This rapid change broke from the social norms of the past and caused many common values and purpose to be lost. Durkheim called this loss_________?
  1. Anomie
  2. Social distress
  3. Rise in crime
  4. Migration
  5. Social imagination
28. According to Durkheim, _______ are the part of sociology that illuminates shared values, cultural norms, and structures of a society
  1. Social theory
  2. Ideals
  3. Social facts
  4. Anomie
  5. Laws
29. Which two major changes in society helped popularize the art of studying how people live?
  1. Capitalism and democracy
  2. Industrialization and urbanization
  3. Philosophy and scientific discovery
  4. Abolition and temperance
  5. Women’s suffrage and prison reform
30. What early faculty member at the Chicago School of Sociology is best known for his contributions to social psychology, including the concept of social behaviorism explored in his work Mind, Self and Society?
  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Herbert Spencer
  3. W.E.B.
  4. Max Weber
  5. George Mead

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