CLEP Introduction to Sociology Exam Prep - Question List

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11. Which of the following social psychologists formulated the idea of the “looking-glass self”?
  1. George Herbert Mead
  2. Charles Horton Cooley
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. Erik Erikson
12. What consists of the things in which people attach meaning, like books, burial sites, clothing, art, homes, and cars?
  1. Material culture
  2. Nonmaterial culture
  3. Symbolic culture
  4. Counterculture
13. What is the term for the introduction of symbolic value or meaning to either real or imaginary bloodties?
  1. Marriage
  2. Nuclear family
  3. Kinship
  4. Endogamy
14. Which term refers to command or leadership that is generally recognized and in which the leader is given the right to make the decisions?
  1. Status
  2. Authority
  3. Anarchy
  4. Kinship
15. What theory argues that crowds of people do not always begin with singular individuals who hold the same motives and/or interests?
  1. Contagion Theory
  2. Convergence Theory
  3. Emergent-Norm Theory
  4. Turner/Killian Theory

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