Business Continuity Professional Exam Prep #2 - Question List

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21. When monitoring the testing of the Business Continuity Plan strategies, which of the following strategies is the ideal method for monitoring the test?
  1. No test monitoring is needed
  2. Participant feedback at the end of the test
  3. Official observers notes about the test
  4. Video or audio recording equipment
22. BCP testing scenarios should be designed using input from the _______________ .
  1. Risk Assessment
  2. Damage and Impact Assessment
  3. Business Impact Analysis
  4. Mitigation Plan
23. True or false: A risk trigger is what triggers a contingency response.
  1. True
  2. False
24. True or false: A risk trigger is what triggers a contingency response.
  1. True
  2. False
25. Which of these test exercises should be completed first?
  1. Functional
  2. Tabletop
  3. Orientation
  4. Full Scale

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