Business Continuity Professional Exam Prep #2 - Question List

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16. What documentation is recommended for use when training the Crisis Management and Response teams on the BCP? (Select all that apply.)
  1. The Business Continuity Plan itself
  2. Checklists of critical actions for the teams
  3. Explanation of responsibilities
  4. None of the above
17. External resources such as Fire and Public Health officials should not be trained in portions of the company’s Business Continuity Plan. (True or False.)
  1. True
  2. False
18. Why should testing be a key component of a successful Business Continuity Plan?
  1. Because it is a regulatory mandate
  2. Because it will improve the effectiveness of the BCP implementation during a crisis
  3. Because senior management requires it
  4. Testing is not a key component to BCP success
19. What should be the first step in testing the Business Continuity Plan?
  1. Assigning responsibility for the testing
  2. Schedule testing date and time
  3. Establishing test goals and expectations
  4. Define the scope of the test
20. When developing test scope, which recommendation should be followed?
  1. Test the entire BCP immediately to determine outages and then focus on those outages with subsequent tests
  2. Pick the most likely aspects of the BCP to fail and test those first
  3. Begin the testing with small, simple tests and then based on the results of those tests, increase scope accordingly
  4. Testing should be randomized to provide accurate results

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