ANCC Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam Prep - Question List

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76. A client is scheduled for a bronchoscopy. When teaching the client what to expect afterward, the nurse’s highest priority of information would be
  1. Food and fluids will be withheld for at least 2 hours
  2. Warm saline gargles will be done q2h
  3. Coughing and deep-breathing exercises will be done q2h
  4. Only ice chips and cold liquids will be allowed initially
77. The nurse is preparing her plan of care for a patient diagnosed with pneumonia. Which is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient?
  1. Fluid volume deficit
  2. Decreased tissue perfusion
  3. Impaired gas exchange
  4. Risk for infection
78. Which nursing goal would be appropriate for a client with sepsis who has developed acute respiratory distress syndrome?
  1. To decrease the inflammatory response of the sepsis cascade
  2. To prevent hypoxia associated with increased alveolar-capillary membrane permeability
  3. To increase the intravascular volume, so as to maintain cardiac output and sustain blood pressure
  4. To prepare the client and family members for anticipated surgery to remove the damaged lung tissue
79. The nurse is assessing Mr. Guzman, a 40-year-old baker with no significant past medical history, who was admitted to the Emergency Department. The assessment findings include a decrease in level of consciousness; rapid, shallow respirations; nasal flaring; sterna and intercostals retractions; and cyanosis around the lips and oral mucosa. The ABG reveals pH - 7.24, pCO2 - 55, and PaO2 - 50. Which statement best describes these findings?
  1. Acute respiratory distress with respiratory acidosis and hypoxemia
  2. Mild respiratory distress with acidosis and hypoxemia
  3. Acute respiratory distress with respiratory alkalosis and hypoxemia
  4. No distress; ABG is normal
80. A client had a respiratory arrest and required endotracheal intubation. Which auscultory findings would indicate correct placement of the tube?
  1. Auscultate bilateral breath sounds and observe the chest wall rising and falling.
  2. Auscultate stomach gurgling when ventilating the client and observe no rise or fall of the chest wall.
  3. Auscultate breath sounds only on the right and observe rise and fall of the chest wall on the right.
  4. Auscultate stomach gurgling when ventilating the client and observe chest rise only on the left side of the chest.

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