Alcohol and Drug Counselor Exam Prep - Question List

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Denial is a defense mechanism that utilizes parts of our personality to override a belief. Which is most likely used for individuals to continue drinking and using drugs?

  1. The id
  2. The ego
  3. The superego
17. What state would the group process be in if there were lapses of talk and members appear uncomfortable with each other?
  1. The group is going through a fragmentation stage.
  2. The trust of the group is being threatened.
  3. The intimacies of the group is building.
18. What is not one of the broad goals of most groups?
  1. Interpersonal learning.
  2. A growing empathetic understanding of the needs of others.
  3. The learning of the ability to trust one's self and others.
  4. To learn to confront aggressively with few regard to other.
19. Disengagement takes place over time and is used to discuss certain aspects following discharge by counselor and client. Which of the following do they discuss?
  1. The progress in the life goals the client set while in treatment.
  2. The people contacted to apologize following discharge.
  3. The resources the client has assessed.
20. Where in a client file is a treatment plan usually found? Choose all that apply.
  1. At the very last page of the file.
  2. At the very first page or just after the photograph in the file.
  3. After the diagnostic impression.
  4. After all signatures are attached it is faxed to the country clerk's office.

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