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46.Timothy is thirteen-year-old male being referred to a clinic for treatment by a detention center counselor. This teenager has been in frequent trouble with the law, demonstrating no regard for right and wrong. He often violates the rights of others, lies, behaves violently, and has a known drug addiction. Timothy is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of family or school. He should obtain treatment for what kind of disorder?
48.Citalopram or Celexa is often used to treat anxiety. It comes in tablet form and should be taken by mouth one time per day. This drug is in a class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). How does citalopram work?
49.Drug addiction has many effects on a family. The preoccupation with a substance continuously changes mood and performance. Usage can cause marital problems and the destruction of the family unit as a whole. Many members will deny there is a problem or attempt to cover it up out of love for the using individual. This is called:
50.Addiction is often described as a behavioral syndrome where drug usage dominates the individual’s motivation. Normal constraints on a person’s behavior lead to a self-perceived “loss of control.” One defining characteristic of addiction is: