VCP4 VMware Exam Prep - Question List

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6. Of the following options, which can be monitored by vCenter? Select three.
  1. Virtual machines
  2. Hosts
  3. Clusters
  4. Physical switches
7. Which of the following features are not supported for a fault-tolerant virtual machine? Select three.
  1. Storage vMotion
  2. vMotion
  3. Snapshots
  4. DRS
8. What is the term used to refer to resource pools and virtual machines at the same level?
  1. Parents
  2. Children
  3. Siblings
  4. Brothers
  5. Sisters
9. Choose an option below to complete the statement following statement: You should complete a _____________ to confirm that backup is proceeding as expected and that a restore operation would complete correctly.
  1. Backup Rehearsal
  2. Failover test
  3. Restore Rehearsal
  4. Backup Test
10. Guy is a vMware administrator in an Enterprise deployment of 400 ESXi hosts. He is performing some administration on several ESX hosts and does not wish for anybody else to impact his changes. How best could Guy communicate this to the other vCenter administrators?
  1. Export the list of administrators to Excel, call HR to ask for the contact details and then call each of the administrators.
  2. Guy could right-click the users in question and send them a message from vCenter.
  3. Guy could edit the message of the day in vCenter settings to inform the administrators of his actions.
  4. Guy could delete all the administrator accounts from active directory.

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