Surgical Technologist Exam Prep - Question List

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46. What items must the perioperative nurse check to ensure safety during a surgery that uses electrocautery?
  1. The electrosurgical unit is set at the highest setting necessary for the procedure.
  2. The footpad should be located just next to the suction canister for ease of use.
  3. The ground pad is in an appropriate location, such as on the back of the elbow.
  4. The alarm is turned on and can be heard by those in the room.
47. Which of the following factors may have an effect on a patient’s risk of developing an infection after a surgical procedure?
  1. The patient’s condition before surgery
  2. The state of the surgical wound at closure
  3. The route the antibiotics were administered preoperatively
  4. Both A and B
48. A nurse in the operating room helps the surgeon by using surgical instruments, providing suturing and handling tissue specimens. The most likely title of this nurse would be:
  1. Scrub nurse
  2. RN first assistant
  3. Circulating nurse
  4. Nurse anesthetist
49. While administering blood products during a surgical procedure, the nurse notes that the patient has spiked a fever to 101 degrees, their skin is flushing and their heart rate has increased. What is the nurse’s first reaction?
  1. Administer oxygen by non-rebreather mask at 10L/min.
  2. Call the Blood Bank to verify labeling of the blood products.
  3. Check the patient’s chart to ensure the orders are correct.
  4. Stop the transfusion and notify the physician.
50. Which of the following is a potential complication associated with spinal anesthetic?
  1. Hypertension
  2. Post-dural puncture headache
  3. Intraspinal bleeding
  4. Paralysis

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