Social Work Clinical Board Exam Prep - Question List

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81. One particular personality disorder is more prevalent in females than males and involves 3% of the general population. Symptoms include a pattern of attention seeking behavior that may even become provocative in nature. Victims of this disorder may display rapidly shifting expressions of emotions, show self-dramatization and use physical appearance to draw attention to them.
What disorder is described above?
  1. Histrionic personality disorder
  2. Narcissistic personality disorder
  3. Schizoid personality disorder
  4. Dependent personality disorder
82. Obsessive compulsive disorder is actually an anxiety problem in which individuals have repeated and unwanted thoughts or behaviors. Behaviors will be carried out to get rid of the obsessive ideas. Not completing the action can cause great apprehension. Which of the following is not a true fact about OCD?
  1. 20% of people with OCD have tics.
  2. Most symptoms appear before age 30.
  3. OCD is due to a medical illness or drug use.
  4. Antidepressants are prescribed as a treatment.
83. A five-year-old child has been recently diagnosed with ADHD after demonstrating shortfalls in at least two important areas. Deficits can be observed at home, in the classroom, and in group activities. Which of the following would not be a symptom of ADHD?
  1. Difficulty focusing
  2. Memory loss
  3. Boredom
  4. Defiance
84. A serious disorder requiring therapy is characterized by systemized delusions and the frequent projection of personal conflicts. The outcome may be hostility towards others where aggressive acts are believed to take place in self-defense. Symptoms of delusion appear slowly, and a patient may be suspicious, jealous, irritable, and bitter.
What type of personality disorder is described above?
  1. Dependent
  2. Paranoia
  3. Self-centered
  4. Cognitive
85. Nathan is 21 years old and has confided in her clinical social worker about serious behaviors that concern him. He self-reports having hallucinations, paranoia, and disorganized speech. To avoid many of these problems, Nathan has learned to isolate himself from social situations. Additionally, the biopsychosocial history shows a prevalence of mental illness in the family. Since the disorder is mainly affecting cognition, what should the social worker attempt to treat?
  1. Schizophrenia
  2. Dissociative disorder
  3. Bipolar
  4. Alter-ego

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