ASWB Social Work Bachelor's Exam Prep - Question List

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Calvin has disowned that part of himself that controls anger. His sudden outbursts and bad temperament are a natural part of Calvin’s neural network. He found love with Rebecca who, unlike him, displays no anger. She rarely gets upset and does not ever raise her voice. This theory of opposites attract is described as:
  1. Relationship conflict
  2. Separation anxiety
  3. Polarizaiton
  4. Compulsive behavior disorder

Strategies used to cope with anxiety can be overused, causing them to take on the appearance of needs. Karen Horney developed a well-known theory that results from basic anxiety caused by interpersonal relationships: indifference, erratic behavior, direct or indirect domination, lack of respect, disparaging attitudes, lack of guidance, absence of admiration, lack of reliable warmth, having to take sides in an argument, too much or too little responsibility, injustice, discrimination, over-protection, isolation, unkept promises, and hostile environment. This theory is called what?

  1. Neurosis
  2. Needs
  3. Abandonment
  4. Cognition

Henry lives in an apartment with several tenants. He avoids all contact with his neighbors and does not have any friends. When Henry sees a neighbor coming down the hall, he will turn and go the other direction to evade simple conversation or eye contact. His life is very lonely and he makes no effort to rectify the situation. What kind of personality disorder does Henry suffer from?

  1. Anti-social personality disorder
  2. Avoidant personality disorder
  3. Depressive disorder
  4. Bi-polar disorder

Jessica has a huge fear of flying, but a promotion at work requires excessive traveling in this manner. Excellent career advancement and matching pay persuades Jessica to get over her fear. She visits a therapist who directs her to sit and watch a reenactment of another individual resolving this problem. A movie is observed where a young man slowly makes the transition from airport to actually boarding the plane. He displays great dread, but takes his time and talks himself through the entire process. Once on the plane, more fears are addressed until the man has successfully made his first flight and landed safely. Bandura was most famous for this therapy and called it what?

  1. Copycat therapy
  2. Disassociation therapy
  3. Avoidance therapy
  4. Modeling therapy

Severe trauma during early childhood can have the effect of personality states that continually hold power over an individual’s behavior. Repetitive physical, sexual, and emotional abuse causes an inability to recall key personal bits of information. Memories tend to vary according to the different identities one assumes. What is the name of this disorder?

  1. Alter-Ego Disorder
  2. Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome
  3. Bi-Polar Disorder
  4. Dissociative Identity Disorder

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