Professional Employment Test (PET) Prep - Question List

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21. Which type of chart or graph would be the best graphic organizer to demonstrate the relationship between foreign aid to a nation and the decrease in child mortality rates among its citizens?
  1. Bar graph
  2. Line graph
  3. Pie chart
  4. Histogram
22. What is the mean for the following expenditures? $79.84, $278.99, $342.16, $466.25, $111.39, $502.47, $98.12
  1. $278.99
  2. $268.46
  3. $354.22
  4. $317.54
23. People who score in the 95th percentile on an exam:
  1. Earned a score of 95 on the test
  2. Scored as well or better than 95% of the people who took the same exam
  3. Scored in the top 95% of test takers
  4. Answered 95% of the questions correctly
24. On a trip to the Netherlands you spend €275 per night in a hotel, €37.58 per day on meals and €50 per day on transportation. If you were there for four days and three nights, and the exchange rate from U.S. dollars to euros was $1.00 : €0.7515, about how much did you spend altogether, in U.S. dollars?
  1. $1,564
  2. $1,175
  3. $1,702
  4. $1,398
25. Jacqueline and Lee are meeting for the weekend somewhere between their cities, which are 420 miles apart. Jacqueline drives 80 mph for the duration of her trip. If they both left home at 10 a.m. and met at 1 p.m., what speed did Lee drive to reach their meeting spot?
  1. 75 mph
  2. 70 mph
  3. 65 mph
  4. 60 mph

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