Praxis II: PLT K-6 Exam Prep - Question List

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An 8-year-old student in your class has been deliberately destroying property in the third-grade classroom for several (6) months. 3 months before that, he was starting fights with his friends back home. The family recently moved into the school district from out of state. A likely outcome of a diagnostic outcome could be:

  1. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  2. Conduct Disorder
  3. Adjustment Disorder, Mixed Episode
  4. Intermittent Explosive Disorder

A 1st-grade teacher uses a rubber band while teaching words. She stretches it out so each letter is extended and pronounced. She opens her hands wide at the same time to give a visual of a rubber band stretching. She claps her hands back together and says the word once more, quickly. Which of the following is this an example of?

  1. Whole language
  2. Phonemic awareness
  3. Everyday math
  4. Phonics

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