Praxis II Social Sciences Content Knowledge Exam Prep - Question List

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36. Pluralist theory argues that the best way of understanding democracy in the United States is to view it as:
  1. As many people participating directly in government as possible.
  2. Interest groups competing with each other to control the government.
  3. Making sure there is a plurality of votes before any law can be passed.
  4. Giving each of the many political parties a say in how the country is governed.
  5. Thinking about many different ways of doing things before making a decision on the best course of action.
Which of the following labels refers to the principle under which the government does not meddle with the economy?
  1. Supply-side economics policy
  2. Laissez-faire economics policy
  3. Elitist economics policy
  4. Monetarism
38. All of the following are among the growing number of players involved in foreign policymaking except:
  1. The Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  2. The Department of Agriculture
  3. The Commerce Department
  4. The State Department
  5. The Pentagon
39. What is a flat tax?
  1. A tax where every taxpayer pays the same amount.
  2. A tax where every taxpayer pays the same percentage of her income.
  3. A tax that is the same in all 50 states.
  4. A tax that guarantees and equal distribution of wealth.
  5. A tax that cannot change over time.
40. Which activity is a topological map best suited for?
  1. Determining a city’s population
  2. Counting the number of states in the US
  3. Identifying Kansas’s major crops
  4. Finding a mountain’s height

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