Praxis II Physical Education Exam Prep - Question List

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Which of the following is a recommended nutritional practice to promote optimal growth and development in young children?
  1. Including foods that contain more fats than protein in daily meals to promote increased energy stores.
  2. Consuming three moderately large meals and avoiding or limiting snacks and treats to promote desirable eating patterns.
  3. Including foods that contain more fiber than fat in daily meals to promote healthy digestive functions.
  4. Consuming several small meals and snacks of mixed carbohydrates, proteins, and fats each day to promote variety in eating.
In the skeletal system, the function of tendons is to:
  1. Act as a reservoir for calcium and phosphorous.
  2. Attach bones to muscles.
  3. Act as the formation centers for cartilage.
  4. Attach ligaments to muscle fibers.
Which of the following is an accurate description of the way in which a muscle group generates force during an exercise such as a standing barbell curl?
  1. The maximal force-development capacity is limited to the weakest point in the range of motion.
  2. The generation of force remains constant during the entire motion.
  3. The maximal force-development capacity increases as the weight is lifted above waist- level.
  4. The generation of force varies throughout the full range of motion.
The ability to time movements to intercept a moving object, such as when catching a ball, is most dependent on an individual's ability to integrate motor behaviors with: 
  1. Sensory information about the speed and direction of the object.
  2. An understanding of how wind and air resistance affect the object's momentum.
  3. Visual information about the relative positions of body parts.
  4. Knowledge about the object's weight and the force with which it was propelled.
The tendency of female adolescents to exhibit greater motor control on a balance beam than male adolescents is largely due to females':
  1. Narrower hips relative to shoulder width.
  2. Longer legs relative to total height.
  3. Greater body density relative to overall body composition.
  4. Lower center of gravity.

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