Praxis II Elementary Education: Content Knowledge Exam Prep - Question List

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31. Which of the following is an example of a primary producer in the ecosystem?
  1. Rabbit
  2. Squirrel
  3. Grass
  4. Cricket
32. A(n)_______________ is a mixture of one substance dissolved in another so the properties are the same throughout.
  1. Solution
  2. Element
  3. Compound
  4. Molecule
33. Which of the following best describes one of the unforeseen advantages of the Cold War period?
  1. Extensive aid was given to states that were vulnerable.
  2. The spread of communism
  3. Industrial and economic competition
  4. The end of slavery in the U.S.
34. Which of the following best describes the termmonetary policy?
  1. The government’s way to assure that every citizen makes enough money
  2. The government’s way to regulate the supply of money as well as interest rate levels
  3. The government’s way of using its power to tax and spend
  4. None of the above.
35. Regarding plate tectonics, which of the following types of boundaries describe an actively deforming region in which multiple plates collide with each other?
  1. Convergent boundary
  2. Destructive plate boundary
  3. Either convergent or destructive plate boundary
  4. Divergent boundary

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