Praxis II Art Content Knowledge Free Test Prep - Question List

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21. Of the following modern photographers, which one promoted photography as a legitimate art form that was equal to painting when he or she hung photographs in a contemporary art gallery?
  1. Alfred Stieglitz
  2. Cindy Sherman
  3. Dorthea Lange
  4. Barbara Kruger
22. The Swing, by Jean-Honoré Fragonard is from which period?
  1. Romanticism
  2. Renaissance
  3. Rococo
  4. Surrealism
23. True or False:

Before the advent of the twentieth century, female artists were generally not permitted to attend art schools and academies, thus, they often learned to paint from their fathers.
  1. True
  2. False
24. The Old Testament queens and kings who adorn the jambs of the Royal Portals at Chartres are meant for what purpose?
  1. To show the royalty the proper place to pray
  2. To support the church both morally and physically
  3. To only provide artistic beauty
  4. To show the contemporary French royalty how far they have fallen from grace
25. Who painted the major fifteenth-century Italian painting Adoration of the Magi?
  1. Andrea del Castagno
  2. Fra Angelico
  3. Masaccio
  4. Gentile da Fabriano

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