Podiatry and Medical - Set 2 - Question List

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56. If a female patient has chronic dermatitis involving the neck, face, and antecubital creases and also has a strong family history of varied allergy disorders, which type of dermatitis does she most likely have?
  1. Contact dermatitis
  2. Atopic dermatitis
  3. Eczema
  4. Dermatitis medicamentosa
57. A young patient is in the hospital with his left leg in Buck's traction. Why it is important to place a footplate on the affected side at the bottom of the bed?
  1. Anchor the traction
  2. Prevent foot drop
  3. Keep the patient from sliding down in bed
  4. Prevent pressure areas on the foot
58. Foot gangrene is a common complication of which of the following disorders?
  1. Congestive heart failure
  2. Diabetes mellitus
  3. Anemia
  4. Polycythemia
59. Which of the following bacteria are the most common pathogens responsible for causing diabetic foot infection?
  1. Streptococcus pneumoniae
  2. E. Coli
  3. Clostridium species
  4. Staphylococcus aureus
60. Which of the following therapies/measures are considered the treatment of choice for the management of venous stasis ulcers of the lower extremities?
  1. Oral antibiotics
  2. Radiotherapy
  3. Sclerotherapy
  4. Compressive contact dressings

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