PANCE Practice Test - Question List

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261. Which of the following is associated with an increased incidence of gastric cancer?
  1. Dairy products
  2. Carbonated beverages
  3. Refined sugars
  4. Luncheon meats
262. Which of the following is a common complaint of the patient with end-stage renal failure?
  1. Weight loss
  2. Itching
  3. Ringing in the ears
  4. Bruising
263. Which of the following best describes the recommended diet for the patient with Meniere’s syndrome?
  1. High in fiber
  2. Low in sodium
  3. High in iodine
  4. Low in fiber
264. Which of the following findings is associated with right-sided heart failure?
  1. Shortness of breath
  2. Nocturnal polyuria
  3. Daytime oliguria
  4. Crackles in the lungs
265. Which of the following skin lesions is associated with Lyme’s disease?
  1. Bull’s eye rash
  2. Papular crusts
  3. Bullae
  4. Plaques

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