PANCE Practice Test - Question List

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101. Each of the following can lead to cirrhosis of the liver EXCEPT:
  1. hemochromatosis
  2. biliary obstruction
  3. Wilson disease
  4. portal hypertension
102. Which of the following is TRUE of sickle cell anemia?
  1. The homozygotic form is less severe
  2. The spleen is rarely affected
  3. Caucasians are most commonly affected
  4. Patients with sickle-cell trait are heterozygotid
103. Acute hyphema is associated with what type of injury?
  1. orthopedic
  2. eye
  3. insect sting or snakebite
  4. gynecological trauma
104. The patient has sustained a hyphema; what intervention should the physician assistant take?
  1. Have patient wear ear protectors in the future
  2. Keep the patient at bed rest typically with head of bed up
  3. Apply atropine eye drops
  4. Apply an ice pack to the site of injury
105. Which biological agent occurs when food is contaminated?
  1. Tularemia
  2. blister agents
  3. plague
  4. Salmonella

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