NREMT Paramedic Certification Exam - Question List

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171. Generally, a child’s metabolism is:
  1. The same as an adult
  2. Less than an adul
  3. Higher than an adult
  4. Incomparable
172. When given intramuscular injections to children, which site accommodates the most volume of fluid injected?
  1. Deltoid
  2. Vastus lateralis
  3. Ventrogluteal
  4. Dorsogluteal
173. Which of the following is not considered an assessment in determining the level of consciousness of a patient?
  1. Checking to see if the patient responds to a normal voice.
  2. Checking to see if the patient has a pain response.
  3. Checking for consciousness in a patient
  4. Listening for breathing.
174. What should be checked in assessing the skin condition of a patient?
  1. Color, temperature, condition
  2. Color, temperature, dryness
  3. Redness, heat radiation, condition
  4. Redness, heat radiation, dryness
175. Based on your primary assessment of a motor vehicle collision on the highway, which of the following does not deem a patient to be a “load-and-go”?
  1. Dyspnea
  2. Severe pain
  3. Fractured forearm
  4. Responsive but unable to follow commands

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