NREMT Paramedic Certification Exam - Question List

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141. Central venous lines can be inserted into all of the following veins except:
  1. Internal jugular
  2. Subclavian
  3. Femoral vein
  4. Femoral vein
  5. Varicose vein
142. A normal saline solution will usually contain a concentration of sodium ions at _______.
  1. 96 mmol/L
  2. 154 mmol/L
  3. 1.48 mol/L
  4. 3.12 mol/L
143. A normal period of gestation is usually around how many weeks after ovum fertilization?
  1. 12 weeks
  2. 24 weeks
  3. 36 weeks
  4. 48 weeks
144. Which of the following structures dilates before a woman starts to give birth to a child?
  1. The vagina
  2. The placenta
  3. The uterus
  4. The cervix
145. Which of the following fluids is ejected prior to giving birth? It is described to be the water when a female refers to water being broken.
  1. Amniotic fluid
  2. Chorionic fluid
  3. Blood
  4. Chorionic buffer solution

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