NLN PAX Nursing Admission Exam - Question List

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111. What chamber of the heart pumps blood into the lungs?
  1. Left ventricle
  2. Left atrium
  3. Right ventricle
  4. Right atrium
112. What chamber of the heart pumps oxygen rich blood to the body?
  1. Left ventricle
  2. Left atrium
  3. Right ventricle
  4. Right atrium
113. What chamber of the heart receives blood from the body’s veins?
  1. Left ventricle
  2. Left atrium
  3. Right ventricle
  4. Right atrium
114. What chamber of the heart receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins?
  1. Left ventricle
  2. Left atrium
  3. Right ventricle
  4. Right atrium
115. What is the outermost layer of the skin called?
  1. The dermis
  2. The epidermis
  3. The subcutaneous layer
  4. The sebaceous layer

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