National Counselor Exam Prep (NCE) - Question List

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216. What is meant by ‘roles in groups’?
  1. Parts in a group play
  2. A set of behavioral patterns
  3. A category of people
  4. B and C
217. What would a role garnered by informal learning and inference be?
  1. A teacher or trainer
  2. A father or mother
  3. A clown or trapeze artist
  4. None of the above
218. Do roles affect behavior?
  1. Very much
  2. Not much
  3. Maybe a little
  4. Never thought about it
219. What is “deindividuation”?
  1. Taking out your aggressions
  2. Reinventing yourself
  3. Temporarily suspending your normal identity
  4. Going completely berserk

When a group of people make decisions with faulty decision-making and avoidance toward inconsistent information simply because they want to agree, it is called _____.

  1. Synchronization
  2. Compromise
  3. Groupthink

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