MTEL Foundations of Reading - Question List

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Which of the following students is demonstrating the specific type of phonological awareness known as phonemic awareness?
  1. A student who, after being shown a letter of the alphabet, can orally identify its corresponding sound(s).
  2. A student who listens to the words sing, ring, fling, and hang and can identify that hang is different..
  3. A student who, after hearing the word hat, can orally identify that it ends with the sound /t/.
  4. A student who listens to the word magazine and can determine that it contains three syllables.
Several children in a kindergarten class have mastered orally blending sets of spoken sounds together to make words. Which of the following additional skills demonstrated by the children would best indicate that they are ready to begin instruction in decoding simple words?
  1. Identifying key parts of a book consistently, such as the front, back, and title, when prompted by the teacher and pointing to the first page.
  2. Tracking print directionality with a pointer on a big book of a predictable text after the teacher models reading and tracking the text.
  3. Identifying letter-sound correspondences consistently for several high-utility letters, such as a, m, t, and s, when prompted by the teacher.
  4. Recalling the letters of the alphabet in sequence when prompted by the teacher using an alphabet banner and the alphabet song.
Which of the following statements provides the best rationale for incorporating spelling instruction into a first-grade reading program?
  1. Spelling instruction promotes phonological sensitivity by teaching students to break words into onsets and rimes and recognize common phonograms.
  2. Spelling instruction streamlines the reading process by focusing on a finite set of orthographic guidelines, which accelerates students' reading development.
  3. Spelling instruction facilitates students' vocabulary development by introducing them to new grade-level academic words throughout the school year.
  4. Spelling instruction reinforces students' knowledge of phonics patterns, which supports their development of automaticity and ability to construct meaning while reading.
In the years since the report by the National Reading Panel (2000) was published, evidence-based research has conclusively documented that which of the following phonics approaches is most effective in promoting beginning readers' reading and spelling development?
  1. Teaching students common phonograms or word families that share the same orthographic rime (i.e., ending letter sequence with a common pronunciation).
  2. Introducing students to printed words that are likely to be in their oral vocabularies to support them in making effective guesses based on a text's context (e.g., the pictures).
  3. Providing embedded phonics or "phonics in context," in which the teacher primarily offers support reading a word when a student cannot read a word in connected text.
  4. Focusing on grapheme-phoneme correspondences, in which students are taught explicitly to sound out each letter or letter combination in a word and blend the letter- sounds together.
Which of the following sentences contains a pair of italicized words that differ from each other by one phoneme?
  1. He took off his cap before he lay down to take a nap.
  2. She walked down the lane to see the beautiful deep blue sea.
  3. They were distracted by the noise as the window shade retracted.
  4. After he bashed his toe, he sat down for a while and basked in the sun.

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