MTEL Digital Literacy and Computer Science - Question List

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A programmer would most likely use the standard library of a programming language in order to:
  1. Look up definitions of programming terms.
  2. Access pre-built classes and modules for use in a project.
  3. Download open-source software programs written in the language.
  4. Search through documentation that explains the programming language.
Creating a trace table is an effective method for:
  1. Converting a flowchart into source code.
  2. Searching an array for a given value.
  3. Analyzing a loop that has an off-by-one error.
  4. Storing numerical values in a database.
A programmer who is uploading a coding project to an open-source software hosting site would include a README.txt file in order to provide:
  1. A text version of the source code for others to access.
  2. A list of people who have downloaded and tested the software.
  3. A clear description of what the project does along with user instructions.
  4. A hypertext link and embedded multimedia to promote the sale of the project.

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