MTEL Biology Practice Exam - Question List

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Which of the following characteristics of vertebrates is a necessary consequence of being bilaterally symmetrical?
  1. A true body cavity.
  2. An endoderm layer.
  3. An interior skeleton.
  4. A right and a left side.
One reason that birds are better able than mammals to function at high altitudes is that unlike mammals, birds:
  1. Rely on negative pressure breathing rather than on positive pressure breathing.
  2. Exchange air in the lungs completely with every breath.
  3. Maintain a lower partial pressure of oxygen in the lungs than do mammals.
  4. Have oxygen-carrying proteins in addition to hemoglobin.
Panting by mammals is part of a feedback response that cools the body by:
  1. Hyperventilating the lungs.
  2. Dilating capillaries in the mouth and throat.
  3. Triggering a countercurrent heat exchange.
  4. Increasing evaporative heat loss.
A veterinarian finds that a cat has a lesion on its hypothalamus. This injury would most directly affect the cat's ability to:
  1. Coordinate muscle movements.
  2. Regulate its body temperature.
  3. Perceive visual stimuli.
  4. Control its breathing.
Which of the following is a function performed by the liver?
  1. Regulation of blood flow to the stomach during digestion.
  2. Generation of new red and white blood cells.
  3. Removal of wastes and toxins from the blood.
  4. Control of peristalsis in the digestive tract.

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