ICE Special Agent Exam Prep - Question List

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321. If x - 4 = 9, what is the value of x2-4?
  1. 21
  2. 81
  3. 165
  4. 169
322. (1/4 + 1/6)/(1/8) =
  1. 1/12
  2. 5/24
  3. 2/3
  4. 10/3
323. If x=0.1, what is the value of 98x2-16.8x-1.7?
  1. -0.72
  2. -1.42
  3. -1.98
  4. -2.40
  5. -2.89
324. The combined weight of two boxes is 400 pounds. If twice of the weight of one box is 100 pounds less than the combined weight of the two boxes, find the weight of second box.
  1. 100
  2. 200
  3. 250
  4. 300
325. The marked price is 10% higher than the cost price. A discount of 10% is given on the marked price. The seller _____
  1. loses 11%
  2. loses 1%
  3. bears no loss, no gain
  4. gains 9%
  5. gains 9.5%

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