IB History Exam Prep - Question List

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11. Which part of Africa was most greatly impacted during the 17th- and 18th-century slave trade?
  1. Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. West Africa
  3. South Africa
  4. East Africa
12. How did Peter the Great change the geopolitical orientation of Russia?
  1. He colonized parts of Africa.
  2. He focused foreign affairs on Europe more than on Asia.
  3. He made Russia a democracy.
  4. He focused foreign affairs on Asia more than on Europe.
13. Which innovation is most associated with the ancient Hebrew civilization?
  1. The chariot
  2. Monotheism
  3. Hieroglyphics
  4. Paper money
14. What are Miguel de Hidalgo, José de San Martin, and Simon Bolivar examples of?
  1. Slave revolt leaders
  2. Spanish viceroys
  3. Conquistadors
  4. Revolutionary leaders
15. Which free-trade associations were created after World War II?
  1. The Warsaw Pact and APEC
  2. UNESCO and G-7
  3. NAFTA and the EU
  4. OPEC and NATO

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