HiSET Social Studies Study Questions - Question List

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6. What controversial plan was President Franklin Roosevelt attempting to achieve in the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937?
  1. Bypassing the requirement that the U.S. Senate confirm the president's appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court
  2. Giving the president veto power of U.S. Supreme Court decisions
  3. Eliminating seats in the U.S. Supreme Court
  4. Adding seats to the U.S. Supreme Court
7. Which Founding Father was the first Secretary of the Treasury?
  1. Benjamin Franklin
  2. James Madison
  3. Alexander Hamilton
  4. Thomas Jefferson
8. How is the President of the United States elected?
  1. Popular vote of everyone living in the United States
  2. Popular vote of all citizens over 18 years old
  3. Popular vote of all citizens over 18 years old who are registered to vote in their state
  4. Popular vote of all citizens who are registered to vote and are in the pool for jury duty
  5. Through the Electoral College
9. Into how many sectors is the U.S. economy divided?
  1. 10
  2. 18
  3. 12
  4. 20
10. Independent bureaucratic agencies and Cabinet departments are created by:
  1. The President of the United States
  2. Congress
  3. The Constitution
  4. The Supreme Court
  5. Our imaginations

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