HESI A2 Practice Test - Question List

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61. ameliorate : improve ::
  1. insolent : courteous
  2. impermeable : porous
  3. gaffe : blunder
  4. verbose : taciturn
62. conciliatory : provocative ::
  1. copious : abundant
  2. diminutive : colossal
  3. fortuitous : unexpected
  4. tedious : monotonous
63. rambunctious : child ::
  1. opulent : nuptials
  2. pastoral : landscape
  3. prodigious : mammal
  4. turbulent : rapids
64. enthrall : mesmerize ::
  1. relinquish : retain
  2. stipulate : specify
  3. stagnate : revolutionize
  4. congeal : liquefy
65. ebullient : jovial ::
  1. unassuming : arrogant
  2. languid : leisurely
  3. abashed : brazen
  4. puerile : mature

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