Green Plumbing - Question List

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56. Which of the following is the largest US contributor of greenhouse gases related directly to human activity?
  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Methane
  3. Carbon dioxide and methane equally
  4. Neither carbon dioxide nor methane
57. Each of the following is one of the top three sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the US, except:
  1. Electricity production
  2. Agriculture
  3. Industry
  4. Transportation
58. Worldwide, which two economic sectors account, almost equally, for a total of half of greenhouse gas emissions?
  1. Agriculture/forestry/other land uses; industry
  2. Industry; transportation
  3. Transportation; electricity/heat production
  4. Electricity/heat production; agriculture/forestry/other land uses
59. Which of the following is not a major impact of climate change on crops in the US?
  1. Droughts
  2. Flooding
  3. Pest proliferation
  4. None of the above - all create major impacts
60. What is the most pronounced impact of the greenhouse effect on fisheries?
  1. Increased water temperatures
  2. Drying-up of bodies of water
  3. Water pollution
  4. Decreased access to harvesting

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