FPGEE Pharmacy Exam Prep - Question List

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36. Humans store glucose in long chains called ______________.
  1. Disaccharides
  2. Monosaccharides
  3. Starch
  4. Glycogen
  5. Cholesterol
37. Which of the following compounds contains a double bond?
  1. C2H6
  2. C2H4
  3. C3H8
  4. CH4
  5. C4H10
38. Compared to succession, evolution is generally ___________.
  1. Slower
  2. Faster
  3. More organized
  4. Permanent
  5. Similar in rate
39. What is the oxidation state of chlorine in potassium perchlorate, KClO4?
  1. -7
  2. -3
  3. 0
  4. 3
  5. 7
40. Which of the following conditions is a contraindication for the use of itraconazole?
  1. Fungal meningitis
  2. A history of drug abuse
  3. A history of diabetes
  4. A history of ulcerative disease

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