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201.A local professional social worker is conducting a seminar on child abuse/neglect. During the course of the session, a prior case is described as an example. The names are left out, but physical location and ages are given. Soon a member in the audience is phoning a neighbor with information pertaining to her grandchildren. What area of expertise has been violated?
202.Michael is set up on a blind date by some of his friends. When he meets Cathy at a restaurant, Michael instantly recognizes her. He provided social work services to Cathy twoyears prior. What is Michael’s next move?
204.A client has been receiving social work services for threemonths and has not made a payment as agreed upon in a contract. The professional finds he cannot terminate services due to what condition?
205.Madison is aware of a fellow colleague with a drug abuse problem. Until recently, it did not appear to be affecting job performance. Now the colleague is missing work and failing to meet with clients as required. Madison does not want to get her fellow worker in trouble and feels someone else will eventually notice the problem. How else could this be handled?