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156.Angela is referred to a social worker for unusual displays of behavior. She has been let go from three different jobs due to frequent anger episodes and impulsive acts towards other employees. Little responsibility is ever taken for these inappropriate behaviors, and most recently Angela has been cutting on her arms. Therapy should focus on what disorder?
157.Discrimination against individuals based on their religion, race, age, origin, disability, or gender within the workplace is prohibited by federal law. When Jim is passed over for a promotion based on his age, what federal agency is there to protect him?
158.During the 1950’s, the system of government in America was based on discrimination. The white population was allowed to vote and be supported by all levels of government. African Americans were not permitted to participate or receive equal accommodations. The belief that one race is superior over another is known as what?
159.Two co-workers are sent to a seminar in another state by their employing company. Since Sarah and John have inconsistent schedules, they drive separately to the location. Both put in extra hours due to the extensive drive, and the seminar lasts longer than expected. John is compensated for his overtime and travel expenses. Sarah is only reimbursed for her overtime and decides to take her employer to court. What act was violated?
160.Social equality does not make reference to income or economics. It focuses on the social aspect of equal rights. Opportunities for individuals should not be reduced due to income, language, disability, gender, origin or age. Many argue this cannot occur due to what?