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57.A local hospital refers a regular patient to the facility’s social worker. Madeline is considered a “frequent flyer” by the nurses due to her high number of visits. The patient exaggerates or creates symptoms of illness in an effort to seek treatment, attention, and sympathy. What disorder will the social worker want to focus on for intervention?
59.A mother of three small children has sought help with parenting skills. The social worker will gather family history and use this to help set goals for the client. It is important not to set the goals too high or beyond reach. The mother is educated on a positive view of human nature with the focus on controlling one’s own fate and not becoming a victim to it. This intervention is part of what kind of therapy?
60.Most individuals deal with the world by utilizing acquired knowledge in collaboration with inherited abilities to solve problems. When a person fails to develop a rich, complex and satisfying personality, what problem should be addressed?