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This set of flashcards covers a wide range of essential concepts and terms relevant to the Vermont Praxis Content Knowledge Tests. Designed to support exam preparation, these flashcards provide concise explanations and definitions to help you master key topics and boost your confidence for the exams.
Flashcards in set (73)
TermPhilosophy of Education
DefinitionThe study of theories and beliefs about education and its purpose.
DefinitionA learning theory that emphasizes the active construction of knowledge by learners.
DefinitionA learning theory that focuses on observable behaviors and the use of rewards and punishments.
DefinitionThe process of tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs of learners.
TermBloom's Taxonomy
DefinitionA hierarchical framework for categorizing educational objectives from lower to higher order thinking.
TermFormative Assessment
DefinitionAssessments used during instruction to provide feedback and guide future instruction.
TermSummative Assessment
DefinitionAssessments used at the end of instruction to evaluate student learning.
DefinitionIndividualized Education Program, a legal document outlining special education services for students with disabilities.
DefinitionAmericans with Disabilities Act, a law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities.
DefinitionThe practice of educating students with disabilities in general education classrooms.
DefinitionResponse to Intervention, a multi-tiered approach to providing early intervention and support to struggling learners.
TermMultiple Intelligences
DefinitionThe theory that individuals possess different types of intelligence, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, and spatial.
TermDirect Instruction
DefinitionA teacher-led instructional approach that emphasizes explicit teaching of skills and concepts.
DefinitionProviding temporary support to help students master a new skill or concept.
TermCooperative Learning
DefinitionA teaching strategy that involves students working together in small groups to achieve a common goal.
DefinitionEnglish Language Learner, a student whose first language is not English and requires support in learning English.
TermSheltered Instruction
DefinitionAn instructional approach that makes content more accessible to ELLs through the use of visuals, gestures, and simplified language.
TermCultural Competence
DefinitionThe ability to interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.
DefinitionIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act, a law that ensures students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education.
TermHigh-stakes Testing
DefinitionAssessments that have significant consequences, such as determining graduation or school funding.
TermGender Equity
DefinitionProviding equal opportunities and resources for all genders in education.
TermTitle IX
DefinitionA federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in education programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.
TermCulturally Responsive Teaching
DefinitionAn approach that recognizes and values students' cultural backgrounds in the teaching and learning process.
TermProfessional Learning Community
DefinitionA collaborative group of educators who work together to improve student learning.
TermUniversal Design for Learning
DefinitionDesigning instructional materials and environments that are accessible to all learners.
TermAuthentic Assessment
DefinitionAssessments that require students to demonstrate real-world knowledge and skills.
TermNorm-Referenced Assessment
DefinitionAssessments that compare a student's performance to the performance of a larger group of students.
TermCriterion-Referenced Assessment
DefinitionAssessments that measure a student's performance against a set of predetermined criteria or standards.
TermPhonemic Awareness
DefinitionThe ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds in spoken language.
DefinitionThe relationship between sounds and the letters that represent them.
TermSight Words
DefinitionHigh-frequency words that students should recognize instantly without decoding.
DefinitionThe ability to read accurately, with appropriate speed and expression.
DefinitionThe ability to understand and interpret written text.
DefinitionThinking about one's own thinking, including planning, monitoring, and evaluating learning.
TermVygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development
DefinitionThe range of tasks that a learner can perform with the assistance of a more knowledgeable individual.
DefinitionMental frameworks that organize and interpret information based on prior knowledge and experiences.
TermMulticultural Education
DefinitionEducation that promotes the understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures, perspectives, and backgrounds.
TermDigital Citizenship
DefinitionThe responsible and ethical use of technology, including online communication and digital media.
TermInquiry-Based Learning
DefinitionA student-centered approach to learning that encourages questioning, investigation, and exploration.
TermGrowth Mindset
DefinitionThe belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and persistence.
TermGifted Education
DefinitionSpecialized programs and strategies for students who demonstrate exceptional abilities or talents.
TermRestorative Practices
DefinitionA discipline approach that focuses on repairing harm, building relationships, and promoting positive behavior.
TermContent Area Literacy
DefinitionThe ability to read, write, and understand texts in specific subject areas.
TermExperiential Learning
DefinitionLearning through direct hands-on experiences and reflection.
TermAuthentic Learning
DefinitionLearning that is connected to real-world contexts and experiences.
TermIntrinsic Motivation
DefinitionMotivation that comes from within, driven by personal interest and enjoyment of the task.
TermExtrinsic Motivation
DefinitionMotivation that comes from external rewards or punishments.
TermDivergent Thinking
DefinitionThe ability to generate multiple ideas or solutions to a problem.
TermConvergent Thinking
DefinitionThe ability to find the single best solution to a problem.
TermZone of Proximal Development
DefinitionThe range of tasks that a learner can perform with guidance and support.
TermCultural Pluralism
DefinitionThe recognition and acceptance of multiple cultural perspectives within a society.
TermCritical Thinking
DefinitionThe ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to make informed decisions and solve problems.
TermSocial-Emotional Learning
DefinitionThe development of skills and competencies related to self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building, and responsible decision-making.
TermIEP Team
DefinitionA group of individuals, including parents, educators, and specialists, who collaborate to develop and review an individualized education program for a student with disabilities.
Term504 Plan
DefinitionA plan developed under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that outlines accommodations and supports for students with disabilities who do not qualify for special education services.
DefinitionThe ability to set goals, make choices, and take responsibility for one's actions and learning.
TermUniversal Screening
DefinitionThe systematic assessment of all students to identify those who may require additional support or interventions.
TermTiered Instruction
DefinitionA differentiated instructional approach that provides varying levels of support and challenge based on students' needs.
TermCulturally Relevant Pedagogy
DefinitionTeaching practices that connect learning to students' cultural backgrounds, experiences, and identities.
TermBehavioral Intervention Plan
DefinitionA plan developed to address challenging behaviors and support students in developing positive behaviors.
TermPositive Reinforcement
DefinitionThe use of rewards or incentives to strengthen desired behaviors.
TermImplicit Bias
DefinitionUnconscious attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions.
TermDifferentiated Instruction
DefinitionAn instructional approach that adapts teaching methods, materials, and assessments to accommodate the diverse needs of students.
TermPhonological Awareness
DefinitionThe ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds of spoken language, including syllables, rhymes, and phonemes.
DefinitionThe process of translating written words into spoken language by applying knowledge of letter-sound relationships.
TermBlended Learning
DefinitionThe integration of online and face-to-face instruction in the classroom.
TermIndividualized Learning Plan
DefinitionA personalized plan that outlines academic and personal goals for a student and the strategies and supports needed to achieve them.
TermReciprocal Teaching
DefinitionA comprehension strategy that involves students taking turns leading discussions about a text.
TermEducational Equity
DefinitionEnsuring that every student has access to the resources, opportunities, and support needed to succeed.
TermDevelopmentally Appropriate Practice
DefinitionInstruction that is tailored to the cognitive, social, and emotional needs of students at different stages of development.
TermAuthentic Audience
DefinitionPresenting student work to a real-life audience outside of the classroom, such as parents, community members, or experts in the field.
TermVisual Learning
DefinitionLearning through visual aids, such as diagrams, charts, and graphs, to enhance understanding and retention of information.
TermEthical Considerations
DefinitionThe moral and professional obligations of educators, including maintaining confidentiality, respecting diversity, and promoting fairness in assessment and instruction.