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This comprehensive flashcard set is designed to help you study for the US West Virginia Boating License exam. Covering essential terms and concepts related to boating, water safety, and navigation, these flashcards are a valuable tool to enhance your knowledge and prepare for a successful boating license application in West Virginia.
Flashcards in set (43)
DefinitionAny watercraft used for transportation on water.
DefinitionA person who controls or navigates a vessel.
DefinitionThe front part of a vessel.
DefinitionThe rear part of a vessel.
DefinitionThe left side of a vessel when facing forward.
DefinitionThe right side of a vessel when facing forward.
DefinitionPersonal Flotation Device; a life jacket or life vest.
DefinitionPersonal Watercraft; a small vessel typically ridden by one or two people.
DefinitionThe waves created by a vessel as it moves through the water.
DefinitionThe act of securing a vessel to a dock or anchor.
TermNavigation Lights
DefinitionLights used to indicate the position and direction of a vessel at night.
DefinitionA floating device used to mark channels, hazards, or boundaries.
TermChannel Marker
DefinitionA buoy used to indicate the safe passage in a channel.
DefinitionEmergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon; a distress signaling device.
TermDead Reckoning
DefinitionNavigating by estimating one's position based on course, speed, and time.
DefinitionA rotating device that propels a vessel through the water.
DefinitionA designated area for vessels to anchor.
TermRight of Way
DefinitionThe privilege of one vessel to proceed ahead of others in a navigational situation.
DefinitionThe process of officially documenting a vessel with the appropriate authorities.
TermNo-Wake Zone
DefinitionAn area where vessels must travel at a slow speed to prevent creating large wakes.
DefinitionA dangerous drop in body temperature due to exposure to cold water or weather.
TermFire Extinguisher
DefinitionA device used to control or extinguish fires on a vessel.
TermSound Signal
DefinitionAn audible signal used to communicate with other vessels in limited visibility.
DefinitionThe use of alcohol while operating a vessel is prohibited and illegal.
TermCarbon Monoxide
DefinitionA colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas produced by boat engines.
TermVessel Safety Check
DefinitionA voluntary inspection of a vessel to ensure it meets safety requirements.
DefinitionA type of knot used to secure a line to a fixed object.
DefinitionA type of material commonly used in inflatable boats.
TermMariner's Compass
DefinitionA navigational instrument used to determine direction.
DefinitionThe depth of a vessel's hull below the waterline.
DefinitionA metal or wooden fitting used to secure a line.
DefinitionA pyrotechnic device used for signaling distress or emergencies.
TermJet Drive
DefinitionA propulsion system that uses water ejected from a nozzle to propel a vessel.
DefinitionA unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour.
TermProp Wash
DefinitionTurbulence created by a vessel's propeller.
TermBimini Top
DefinitionA folding canvas top that provides shade on a boat.
DefinitionThe flat surface at the stern of a vessel where the outboard motor is mounted.
DefinitionThe side of a vessel or object sheltered from the wind.
DefinitionRapid and deep breathing that can lead to loss of consciousness underwater.
DefinitionNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; provides weather and navigational data.
TermInboard Motor
DefinitionA motor mounted inside the hull of a vessel.
TermOutboard Motor
DefinitionA motor mounted on the transom of a vessel.
DefinitionAn oscillation of water in an enclosed or semi-enclosed body of water.