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This comprehensive flashcard set prepares learners for the Nova Scotia Motorcycle License test, focusing on advanced concepts and skills. Covering topics like countersteering, emergency stops, night riding, and legal requirements, these cards are designed for learners to deepen their knowledge and enhance their road safety. Perfect for a confident ride!
Flashcards in set (64)
DefinitionSteering technique used at higher speeds where the handlebars are pushed in the opposite direction of the turn.
TermLane Positioning
DefinitionSkill of positioning oneself within a lane for visibility and safety.
TermBlind Spots
DefinitionAreas around a vehicle not visible in mirrors where other vehicles may be hidden.
TermEmergency Stop
DefinitionThe act of braking and stopping the motorcycle as quickly and safely as possible.
TermTarget Fixation
DefinitionTendency to steer in the direction one's gaze is directed, especially in a panic situation.
TermRiding in a Group
DefinitionRules and procedures when riding with other motorcyclists.
TermEngine Braking
DefinitionUsing the engine's retarding forces to help slow down the motorcycle.
TermWeight Transfer
DefinitionThe shift of weight affecting the balance and handling of the motorcycle.
TermTurning Techniques
DefinitionVarious methods of safely maneuvering a motorcycle around curves and turns.
TermCollision Avoidance
DefinitionTechniques used to evade potential collisions and hazards.
TermDefensive Riding
DefinitionStrategy of anticipating potential hazards to avoid accidents.
DefinitionSafe and proper procedure for passing other vehicles.
TermT-CLOCS Checklist
DefinitionAcronym for Tires, Controls, Lights, Oils, Chassis, and Stands; pre-ride inspection.
TermSurface Conditions
DefinitionAwareness and handling techniques for different road surfaces.
TermIntersection Approach
DefinitionProper technique for approaching and navigating intersections.
TermNight Riding
DefinitionStrategies for safe riding in low-light or dark conditions.
TermHigh-Speed Riding
DefinitionTechniques and safety considerations for riding at high speeds.
TermProper Signaling
DefinitionUse of signals to indicate turning, changing lanes, or stopping.
TermRider Fitness
DefinitionImportance of physical and mental readiness for safe riding.
TermRiding on Gravel
DefinitionTechniques for safely navigating gravel surfaces.
TermRiding on Wet Surfaces
DefinitionTechniques for handling wet road conditions.
TermHelmet Laws
DefinitionRequirements and regulations concerning helmet use.
TermTraffic Act
DefinitionKnowledge of the provincial motor vehicle act pertaining to motorcycles.
TermLane Filtering
DefinitionLegality and techniques of moving between lanes of traffic.
TermAlcohol and Riding
DefinitionRisks and laws associated with drinking and riding.
TermParking Techniques
DefinitionProper methods for parking a motorcycle.
TermMotorcycle Gear
DefinitionEssential protective clothing and equipment for motorcyclists.
TermMotorcycle Insurance
DefinitionRequirements and recommendations for insurance coverage.
TermHighway Riding
DefinitionTechniques and considerations for riding on highways.
TermLeft Turn Intersections
DefinitionHandling intersections with oncoming traffic making left turns.
TermMerging Techniques
DefinitionSafe methods for joining flowing traffic.
TermRiding in the Wind
DefinitionTechniques for handling gusts and wind force.
TermMotorcycle Controls
DefinitionKnowledge of the throttle, clutch, brakes, and other controls.
TermGear Shifting
DefinitionProper technique for changing gears on a motorcycle.
TermTwo-Up Riding
DefinitionConsiderations and techniques for carrying a passenger.
TermS.I.P.D.E. Process
DefinitionAcronym for Scan, Identify, Predict, Decide, Execute; defensive riding strategy.
TermSlow Speed Maneuvering
DefinitionTechniques for controlling the motorcycle at slow speeds.
TermFollowing Distance
DefinitionAppropriate space to maintain between vehicles for safety.
TermHand Signals
DefinitionNon-electronic signals for indicating turns, stops, and other maneuvers.
TermMotorcycle Classes
DefinitionUnderstanding different types of motorcycles and their handling characteristics.
TermRoadside Breakdowns
DefinitionProcedures and safety measures for handling roadside breakdowns.
TermLegal Requirements for Helmets
DefinitionDetails on Nova Scotia's specific regulations for helmets.
TermLegal Requirements for Lighting
DefinitionUnderstanding of Nova Scotia's laws for motorcycle lighting.
TermRoad Signs
DefinitionKnowledge and understanding of common and less common road signs.
TermEmergency Vehicles
DefinitionLaws and procedures when encountering emergency vehicles.
TermConstruction Zones
DefinitionNavigating through work zones safely and according to law.
TermSchool Buses
DefinitionUnderstanding of laws and safety procedures regarding school buses.
TermPublic Transit Buses
DefinitionProcedures for safely passing and interacting with public transit.
TermPedestrian Crossings
DefinitionLaws and safety measures regarding pedestrian crossings.
TermMotorcycle Theft Prevention
DefinitionTechniques and devices to help prevent motorcycle theft.
TermTrail Braking
DefinitionA technique used for slowing the motorcycle into a turn.
TermThrottle Control
DefinitionProper techniques for controlling the motorcycle's throttle.
DefinitionThe correct method of downshifting gears on a motorcycle.
TermProper Licensing
DefinitionThe various classes of motorcycle licenses in Nova Scotia.
TermPre-ride Checklist
DefinitionItems and factors to consider before a ride for safety and preparedness.
TermPost-ride Maintenance
DefinitionTasks to perform after a ride to maintain the motorcycle.
TermBrake Maintenance
DefinitionProcedures for maintaining your motorcycle's brake system.
TermPothole Navigation
DefinitionTechniques for safely navigating around or over potholes.
TermSplitting Lanes
DefinitionLegality and techniques for riding between lanes of slow or stopped traffic.
TermMotorcycle Tires
DefinitionKnowledge about different types of motorcycle tires and their uses.
TermRiding on Hills
DefinitionTechniques for safely ascending and descending hills.
TermRiding in the Rain
DefinitionSafe riding practices for rainy or stormy conditions.
TermOff-Road Riding
DefinitionTechniques and considerations for riding on non-paved surfaces.
TermRiding in a Group Formation
DefinitionUnderstanding different group riding formations and their purposes.