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Enhance your understanding of the Mississippi Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) with this comprehensive flashcard set. Covering key concepts, theories, instructional strategies, and assessment techniques, these flashcards provide a valuable resource for educators seeking to deepen their knowledge and improve their teaching practices.
Flashcards in set (58)
TermJean Piaget
DefinitionSwiss psychologist known for his theory of cognitive development.
TermLev Vygotsky
DefinitionRussian psychologist known for his sociocultural theory of development.
DefinitionLearning theory that focuses on observable behaviors and stimuli-response associations.
DefinitionLearning theory that emphasizes learners' active construction of knowledge.
DefinitionSupport provided by a teacher or more knowledgeable peer to help a learner achieve a higher level of understanding.
TermZone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
DefinitionThe range of tasks that a learner can perform with guidance and support.
TermMultiple Intelligences
DefinitionHoward Gardner's theory that individuals possess different types of intelligence, such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, etc.
TermBloom's Taxonomy
DefinitionA framework for categorizing learning objectives into six levels of cognitive complexity: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
DefinitionThe awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes and the ability to regulate and control learning.
TermAssessment for Learning
DefinitionThe process of gathering and using information about student learning to improve teaching and learning strategies.
DefinitionModifying instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
TermInclusive Education
DefinitionAn approach that promotes equal opportunities and access to education for all students, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.
DefinitionThe internal or external factors that drive and sustain behavior or effort towards a goal.
TermExtrinsic Motivation
DefinitionMotivation that comes from external rewards or consequences.
TermIntrinsic Motivation
DefinitionMotivation that comes from within an individual, driven by personal interest or enjoyment.
TermCooperative Learning
DefinitionAn instructional approach that involves students working together in small groups to achieve a common goal.
TermProblem-Based Learning
DefinitionA student-centered approach that focuses on solving real-world problems and promotes critical thinking and collaboration.
TermDirect Instruction
DefinitionA teacher-centered approach that involves explicit and structured instruction, often with a focus on basic skills.
TermIEP (Individualized Education Program)
DefinitionA legally binding document that outlines the educational goals and accommodations for students with disabilities.
TermUniversal Design for Learning (UDL)
DefinitionA framework that promotes flexible and inclusive instructional practices to meet the needs of all learners.
DefinitionThe process of thinking critically about one's own learning experiences and making connections to future learning.
TermCultural Responsiveness
DefinitionThe ability to recognize, respect, and integrate students' diverse cultural backgrounds into the learning environment.
TermClassroom Management
DefinitionStrategies and techniques used by teachers to create a positive and productive learning environment.
TermLearning Styles
DefinitionDifferent ways in which individuals prefer to learn, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
DefinitionThe belief in one's own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish specific tasks.
TermMetacognitive Strategies
DefinitionTechniques used to monitor and control one's own learning, such as self-questioning or self-explanation.
TermDifferentiated Instruction
DefinitionAdapting instruction to meet the unique learning needs of individual students.
TermAuthentic Assessment
DefinitionAssessments that measure students' ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world contexts.
TermConcept Mapping
DefinitionA visual tool used to represent and organize knowledge, showing relationships between concepts or ideas.
TermPeer Tutoring
DefinitionA teaching strategy in which students help and support each other's learning in pairs or small groups.
TermCultural Capital
DefinitionThe knowledge, skills, and cultural values that students bring to the learning environment based on their cultural background.
DefinitionAn instructional method that focuses on the relationship between sounds and written letters to support reading and spelling.
TermLearning Environment
DefinitionThe physical, social, and emotional surroundings in which learning.
TermCooperative Behavior
DefinitionBehaviors that promote collaboration, teamwork, and positive social interactions among students.
TermInquiry-Based Learning
DefinitionAn approach that encourages students to actively explore and investigate topics, develop questions, and seek answers.
TermDifferentiated Assessment
DefinitionAssessments that are adapted or modified to meet the diverse needs and abilities of students.
DefinitionInformation provided to students about their performance or progress to guide their learning and improvement.
TermCritical Thinking
DefinitionThe ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to make reasoned judgments or decisions.
TermZone of Regulation
DefinitionA framework that helps students develop self-regulation skills by understanding and managing their emotions and behaviors.
TermSelf-Directed Learning
DefinitionStudents taking ownership of their learning, setting goals, and making decisions about how to achieve them.
TermWait Time
DefinitionThe period of silence after a teacher asks a question, allowing students time to process and formulate their responses.
TermIntrinsic Reward
DefinitionInternal satisfaction or sense of accomplishment derived from the learning process itself.
TermDifferentiated Instruction
DefinitionAdapting instruction to meet the unique learning needs of individual students.
TermMastery Learning
DefinitionAn instructional approach that emphasizes students achieving a high level of mastery or understanding before progressing to the next concept or skill.
TermAssessment Bias
DefinitionSystematic errors or biases that can influence the results or outcomes of assessments for certain groups of students.
TermSelf-Regulated Learning
DefinitionThe ability to monitor, regulate, and control one's own learning processes and strategies.
DefinitionCollaboration between a general education teacher and a special education teacher to support the diverse needs of students in an inclusive classroom.
TermReciprocal Teaching
DefinitionA strategy in which students take turns acting as the teacher by summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting during a group discussion.
TermCulturally Relevant Pedagogy
DefinitionAn approach that incorporates students' cultural backgrounds and experiences into teaching and learning to enhance engagement and achievement.
TermZone of Optimal Functioning
DefinitionThe range of challenge or difficulty level at which an individual performs at their best and experiences optimal learning.
TermReflective Practice
DefinitionThe process of thinking critically about one's own teaching practices and making intentional changes to improve student learning.
TermDifferentiated Support
DefinitionProviding varying levels of support, resources, or instruction to meet individual student needs.
TermInstructional Strategies
DefinitionTechniques and methods used by teachers to deliver content and facilitate learning, such as direct instruction, cooperative learning, or guided discovery.
TermPositive Reinforcement
DefinitionProviding rewards or incentives to strengthen desired behaviors and increase the likelihood of their recurrence.
TermImplicit Bias
DefinitionUnconscious attitudes or stereotypes that can affect our perceptions and interactions with students, often based on social, cultural, or racial factors.
TermFormative Assessment
DefinitionOngoing assessments used to monitor student progress and provide feedback to guide instruction and learning.
TermSummative Assessment
DefinitionAssessments conducted at the end of a unit or course to evaluate student learning and assign grades or scores.
TermProfessional Learning Communities (PLCs)
DefinitionCollaborative groups of educators who engage in ongoing professional development, sharing best practices, and improving instructional practices.