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Enhance your understanding of the Kentucky Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) with this comprehensive flashcard set. Covering key concepts such as constructivist learning, differentiated instruction, and cooperative learning, these flashcards provide a concise and accessible resource for educators looking to deepen their knowledge and application of effective instructional strategies.
Flashcards in set (47)
TermConstructivist learning
DefinitionAn approach where learners actively construct knowledge through their experiences and interactions.
TermBloom's Taxonomy
DefinitionA hierarchical model that classifies cognitive learning objectives into six levels: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
TermDifferentiated instruction
DefinitionAdapting teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
TermZone of Proximal Development
DefinitionThe gap between a learner's current abilities and their potential abilities with guidance or assistance.
TermFormative assessment
DefinitionAssessments conducted during the learning process to provide feedback and guide instruction.
TermSummative assessment
DefinitionAssessments conducted at the end of a learning period to evaluate student achievement and learning outcomes.
DefinitionProviding temporary support or guidance to help students learn new concepts or skills.
TermCooperative learning
DefinitionA teaching strategy where students work together in groups to achieve a common goal.
TermIntrinsic motivation
DefinitionInternal drive or desire to learn or accomplish something without external rewards or incentives.
TermExtrinsic motivation
DefinitionMotivation that comes from external sources such as rewards, grades, or praise.
TermGardner's multiple intelligences
DefinitionA theory that suggests there are multiple types of intelligence, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
TermDirect instruction
DefinitionA teacher-centered approach where information is presented in a structured and explicit manner.
TermAuthentic assessment
DefinitionAssessment tasks that require students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations.
TermCultural responsiveness
DefinitionThe ability to recognize and address the cultural backgrounds and experiences of students in the learning process.
DefinitionThinking about one's own thinking and being aware of one's learning processes.
TermLearning styles
DefinitionDifferent ways individuals prefer to learn, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic.
TermCooperative learning
DefinitionA teaching strategy where students work together in groups to achieve a common goal.
TermInquiry-based learning
DefinitionAn approach where students actively explore and investigate concepts and questions to construct their own understanding.
TermUniversal Design for Learning (UDL)
DefinitionA framework for designing instruction that provides multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement to meet the diverse needs of learners.
TermReflective practice
DefinitionThe process of critically examining one's own teaching methods and making improvements based on self-reflection.
TermZone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
DefinitionThe gap between a learner's current abilities and their potential abilities with guidance or assistance.
TermSelf-regulated learning
DefinitionThe ability to set goals, monitor progress, and adjust strategies to achieve successful learning outcomes.
TermSchema theory
DefinitionA theory that suggests learning is influenced by pre-existing mental frameworks or schemas.
TermReciprocal teaching
DefinitionA strategy where students take turns leading discussions and summarizing key points to enhance comprehension.
TermPositive reinforcement
DefinitionProviding rewards or incentives to encourage desired behaviors or academic achievements.
TermNegative reinforcement
DefinitionRemoving or avoiding negative consequences to encourage desired behaviors or academic achievements.
TermZone of proximal development
DefinitionThe range of tasks that a learner can perform with assistance or guidance from a more knowledgeable person.
TermLearning community
DefinitionA supportive and collaborative learning environment where students actively engage with each other and the teacher.
Term21st-century skills
DefinitionSkills needed for success in the modern world, such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.
TermDifferentiated instruction
DefinitionAdapting teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
TermAssessment for learning
DefinitionAssessments that provide feedback and guide instruction to enhance student learning.
TermAuthentic assessment
DefinitionAssessment tasks that reflect real-world contexts and require students to apply their knowledge and skills.
TermMastery learning
DefinitionAn instructional approach where students must demonstrate a high level of understanding before moving on to new content.
TermCooperative learning
DefinitionA teaching strategy that promotes student collaboration and interaction to achieve common learning goals.
TermCulturally responsive teaching
DefinitionInstruction that recognizes and values the diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences of students.
DefinitionBelief in one's ability to succeed and accomplish tasks or goals.
DefinitionTailoring instruction to meet the unique learning needs and preferences of individual students.
TermBehavioral interventions
DefinitionStrategies used to modify or change student behavior through positive reinforcement, consequences, or interventions.
TermReflective teaching
DefinitionThe practice of analyzing and evaluating one's own teaching methods and making adjustments for improvement.
TermCollaborative problem-solving
DefinitionWorking together to solve complex problems, often in small groups or teams.
TermPrior knowledge
DefinitionThe knowledge and understanding that students bring to a learning situation based on their previous experiences.
TermFeedback loops
DefinitionContinuous feedback and reflection on student progress to inform instructional decisions and interventions.
TermCulturally relevant pedagogy
DefinitionTeaching methods that incorporate and affirm the cultural backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of students.
TermTransfer of learning
DefinitionThe application of knowledge and skills learned in one context to new and different situations.
TermLearning objectives
DefinitionClear and measurable statements that describe what students are expected to know or be able to do at the end of a lesson or unit.
TermClassroom management
DefinitionStrategies and techniques used to establish and maintain a positive and productive learning environment.
TermInstructional strategies
DefinitionVarious approaches, methods, and techniques used to facilitate student learning and engagement.