Created byPQ Admin
Prepare for the Kentucky Driver's Permit Test with this comprehensive set of flashcards. Covering essential terms and concepts related to driving, traffic laws, and road safety, these flashcards will help you familiarize yourself with the necessary knowledge to pass the permit test and become a responsible and informed driver in Kentucky.
Flashcards in set (67)
TermYellow dashed line
DefinitionSeparates two-way traffic.
TermSolid white line
DefinitionMarks the edge of the road.
TermNo-passing zone
DefinitionArea where passing is prohibited.
TermSchool zone
DefinitionArea near a school with reduced speed limits.
TermRailroad crossing
DefinitionIntersection with train tracks.
TermYield sign
DefinitionIndicates the need to yield to other traffic.
TermRight of way
DefinitionThe privilege of proceeding first in traffic.
TermBlind spot
DefinitionArea not visible in mirrors.
TermAcceleration lane
DefinitionExtra lane to speed up when entering a highway.
TermDeceleration lane
DefinitionExtra lane to slow down when exiting a highway.
DefinitionLosing traction on wet roads.
DefinitionDriving While Intoxicated.
DefinitionDriving Under the Influence.
DefinitionFollowing too closely behind another vehicle.
DefinitionMust be used from sunset to sunrise.
TermStop sign
DefinitionRequires a complete stop before proceeding.
TermTurn signal
DefinitionIndicates a driver's intention to turn.
DefinitionCircular intersection with traffic flowing counterclockwise.
TermHighway hypnosis
DefinitionDrowsy or inattentive driving on long highways.
TermTraffic congestion
DefinitionHeavy traffic and slow movement.
TermSeat belt
DefinitionRequired for all occupants in the vehicle.
TermHOV lane
DefinitionHigh-Occupancy Vehicle lane for carpooling.
TermReversible lane
DefinitionChanges direction to manage traffic flow.
TermTraffic circle
DefinitionCircular intersection where traffic flows around a central island.
DefinitionBlind spots around large vehicles like trucks and buses.
TermBlood alcohol concentration (BAC)
DefinitionThe percentage of alcohol in a person's blood.
TermUncontrolled intersection
DefinitionIntersection without traffic signs or signals.
TermRight lane ends
DefinitionIndicates that the right lane will merge with another lane.
TermSpeed limit
DefinitionMaximum legal speed for a specific roadway.
TermPassing lane
DefinitionLeft lane on a multi-lane road used for overtaking slower vehicles.
TermYellow traffic light
DefinitionIndicates drivers to prepare to stop.
TermRed traffic light
DefinitionRequires drivers to come to a complete stop.
TermGreen traffic light
DefinitionAllows drivers to proceed when safe.
TermConstruction zone
DefinitionArea where road work or repairs are taking place.
DefinitionDesignated area for pedestrians to cross the road.
TermMerge sign
DefinitionIndicates lanes merging ahead.
TermOne-way street
DefinitionTraffic flows in only one direction.
TermDefensive driving
DefinitionDriving technique that anticipates potential hazards.
TermHighway patrol
DefinitionLaw enforcement agency responsible for patrolling highways.
TermRoad rage
DefinitionAggressive or angry behavior by a driver.
DefinitionManeuver to turn the vehicle around in a limited space.
TermYield to pedestrians
DefinitionMust give the right-of-way to pedestrians.
TermVehicle registration
DefinitionDocument proving a vehicle is legally registered.
TermDriver's license
DefinitionOfficial document allowing a person to drive a vehicle.
TermTraffic violation
DefinitionBreaking a traffic law or regulation.
TermChild safety seat
DefinitionRequired for young children in vehicles.
DefinitionSharing a ride with others to reduce traffic and congestion.
TermHighway signs
DefinitionTraffic signs and symbols on highways.
TermEmergency vehicle
DefinitionPolice car, ambulance, or fire truck responding to an emergency.
TermBlind intersection
DefinitionIntersection with limited visibility.
TermNo parking zone
DefinitionArea where parking is prohibited.
DefinitionDriving above the posted speed limit.
TermYield to right-of-way
DefinitionGiving priority to other vehicles or pedestrians.
TermPedestrian crosswalk
DefinitionMarked area for pedestrians to cross the road.
TermTraffic citation
DefinitionTicket issued for a traffic violation.
TermPavement markings
DefinitionLines and symbols on the road for guidance.
TermAnti-lock braking system (ABS)
DefinitionSystem that prevents wheel lock-up during braking.
TermRoadway shoulder
DefinitionPaved area to the right of the travel lanes.
TermTraffic signal
DefinitionDevice that controls traffic flow at intersections.
TermTire tread depth
DefinitionMeasurement of tire's depth for safety and traction.
TermDefensive following distance
DefinitionSafe distance between vehicles to avoid collisions.
TermAlcohol-impaired driving
DefinitionOperating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.
TermNo U-turn
DefinitionProhibition of making a U-turn at a specific location.
TermWork zone
DefinitionArea where road construction or maintenance is taking place.
TermTraffic fines
DefinitionMonetary penalties for traffic violations.
TermNo parking zone
DefinitionArea where parking is not allowed at any time.
DefinitionDepartment of Motor Vehicles, responsible for driver licensing and vehicle registration.