Created byPQ Admin
This comprehensive set of flashcards is designed to aid in the advanced study for the Arizona Boating License. It covers essential concepts such as boating equipment, safety procedures, navigation rules, and environmental considerations to ensure a safe and legal boating experience.
Flashcards in set (58)
DefinitionThe front part of a boat
DefinitionThe rear part of a boat
DefinitionThe left side of a boat when looking forward
DefinitionThe right side of a boat when looking forward
DefinitionThe main body of a boat
DefinitionThe upper edge of a boat's sides
DefinitionA device with two or more blades that rotates to propel the boat
DefinitionThe lowest part of a boat's interior, where water collects
TermOutboard Motor
DefinitionA propulsion system for boats, typically self-contained unit that includes engine, gearbox and propeller
TermInboard Motor
DefinitionA type of marine propulsion system, housed within the hull of the boat
TermPersonal Flotation Device (PFD)
DefinitionA device designed to keep a person afloat in water
TermLife Jacket
DefinitionA type of PFD designed to keep a person's head above water and body on its back
TermThrowable Flotation Device
DefinitionA device designed to be thrown to a person in the water to provide buoyancy
TermNavigation Lights
DefinitionLights used on boats to prevent collisions at night or in poor visibility
TermSound-Producing Devices
DefinitionDevices such as horns or bells used on boats for signaling
TermVisual Distress Signals
DefinitionDevices designed to attract attention in an emergency with light or smoke
TermFire Extinguisher
DefinitionA device used to extinguish fires on a boat
TermVentilation System
DefinitionA system to remove flammable gases from the bilges of a boat
TermBackfire Flame Arrestor
DefinitionA device designed to prevent the ignition of gasoline vapors in case the engine backfires
TermNo Discharge Zones (NDZ)
DefinitionDesignated areas where the discharge of sewage from boats is prohibited
TermAlcohol and Boating
DefinitionLaws and regulations regarding the consumption of alcohol while operating a boat
TermOperating at a Safe Speed
DefinitionDetermining a speed that is safe under the prevailing conditions
TermNavigation Rules
DefinitionThe rules that govern the conduct of vessels in relation to each other
DefinitionThe privilege of one vessel to maintain its course and speed over another
TermStand-On Vessel
DefinitionThe vessel that has the right-of-way in a meeting, crossing, or overtaking situation
TermGive-Way Vessel
DefinitionThe vessel that must take early and substantial action to keep well away from other vessels
DefinitionWhen one vessel approaches another from more than 22.5 degrees abaft its beam
TermCrossing Situation
DefinitionWhen two power-driven vessels are on courses that will cross
TermMeeting Head-On
DefinitionWhen two power-driven vessels are approaching each other on opposite courses
TermRestricted Visibility
DefinitionAny condition in which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms, or any other similar causes
DefinitionThe act of securing a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent it from drifting
DefinitionThe act of securing a vessel to a mooring buoy or a fixed object such as a pier
DefinitionThe act of securing a boat in a dock or berth
TermMan Overboard Procedure
DefinitionThe steps to follow if someone falls overboard from a boat
DefinitionWhen a boat turns over in the water
DefinitionWhen a boat fills with water but remains upright
TermCold Water Immersion
DefinitionThe dangers and effects of sudden immersion in cold water
DefinitionA medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat
TermHeat Exhaustion
DefinitionA condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating
TermHeat Stroke
DefinitionA condition caused by your body overheating, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures
TermCarbon Monoxide (CO)
DefinitionA poisonous gas produced by burning gasoline, propane, charcoal, or other carbon-based fuels
TermFueling Procedures
DefinitionThe proper steps to follow when refueling a boat to prevent spills and fires
TermBoat Registration
DefinitionThe process of legally documenting a boat with a state or federal agency
TermHull Identification Number (HIN)
DefinitionA unique identifier for a boat, similar to the VIN of a car
TermCapacity Plate
DefinitionA plate on a boat that provides important capacity and safety information
TermFloat Plan
DefinitionA plan that details your expected journey, left with a trusted person onshore
TermBoating Accident
DefinitionAn occurrence that results in damage to a boat, injury or loss of life, or the disappearance of a person from a boat
TermAccident Reporting
DefinitionThe process of officially documenting a boating accident
TermMarine Protected Areas (MPA)
DefinitionAreas of the ocean where human activity is more strictly regulated than the surrounding waters
TermInvasive Species
DefinitionNon-native species that can cause harm to the environment, the economy, or human health
TermClean, Drain, Dry
DefinitionA protocol for preventing the spread of invasive species by cleaning, draining, and drying boats and equipment
TermAids to Navigation (ATON)
DefinitionMan-made structures such as buoys and lighthouses that help with navigation
TermChannel Markers
DefinitionBuoys or beacons that mark the edges of a navigable channel
TermLateral System
DefinitionA system of colored buoys and markers that indicate the sides of a channel or route
TermCardinal System
DefinitionA system of buoys that indicate the direction of safe water by the position of the black and yellow bands
TermIntracoastal Waterway
DefinitionA 3,000-mile inland waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the U.S.
DefinitionThe waves that a boat produces as it moves through the water
TermNo Wake Zone
DefinitionAn area where boats are required to travel at a slow speed to prevent their wake from causing damage or erosion