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This set of flashcards covers advanced concepts needed for the Illinois Motorcycle License Test. It delves into state-specific laws, safe riding practices, motorcycle mechanics, and emergency procedures. Essential for test takers looking to grasp more complex topics, and for seasoned riders seeking to refresh their knowledge.
Flashcards in set (51)
TermTwo-second Rule
DefinitionAllows you to gauge a safe following distance, by ensuring you are at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.
DefinitionA method of turning in which you push the handlebars in the direction opposite of where you want to go.
TermLane Splitting
DefinitionThe act of driving a motorcycle between lanes of stopped or slower moving traffic, which is illegal in Illinois.
DefinitionMoving back and forth within a lane, typically to avoid road hazards.
TermBlind Spot
DefinitionThe area where a vehicle's mirrors do not provide visibility, often to the rear and sides.
DefinitionQuick change in direction, often done to avoid an obstacle.
TermBraking Distance
DefinitionThe distance a motorcycle travels from the time the brakes are applied until it comes to a complete stop.
DefinitionAn acronym for Tires, Controls, Lights, Oils, Chassis, and Stands, a pre-ride inspection checklist.
TermFriction Zone
DefinitionThe area in the clutch operation where the clutch begins to engage and the bike starts to move.
DefinitionShifting your weight away from the turn to improve balance and control.
TermHigh Side Crash
DefinitionA crash in which the rider is thrown over the motorcycle.
TermLow Side Crash
DefinitionA crash in which the rider and motorcycle slide together along the roadway.
DefinitionBlood Alcohol Content, which should be 0.0% when operating a motorcycle.
DefinitionWhen a layer of water between the tires and road surface causes loss of traction.
DefinitionThe middle point of the curve in the road.
DefinitionDriving Under the Influence, a criminal offense.
TermRoad Rash
DefinitionA skin abrasion caused by sliding across the pavement after a crash.
DefinitionThe frame of the motorcycle, including the frame and suspension.
DefinitionA shell placed over the frame of a motorcycle to reduce air drag.
TermCenter of Gravity
DefinitionThe point at which all the weight of the motorcycle and rider is balanced.
DefinitionRiding in the air flow created by a vehicle in front of you.
TermStaggered Formation
DefinitionA group riding pattern where motorcycles are positioned in a zig-zag formation.
TermLane Positioning
DefinitionThe practice of selecting the safest and most visible spot within a lane.
TermMotorcycle Helmet Law
DefinitionIn Illinois, all riders are required to wear a helmet.
DefinitionStorage compartments located on the sides of a motorcycle.
DefinitionA device for reducing the noise emitted by the exhaust of an internal combustion engine.
TermRearview Mirror Adjustment
DefinitionAdjusting mirrors to maximize your field of vision.
TermMotorcycle Hand Signals
DefinitionVisual cues used by riders to communicate intentions on the road.
TermMotorcycle Gear Shifting
DefinitionShifting gears to control speed and acceleration.
DefinitionA pivoting metal stand that holds the motorcycle upright when not being ridden.
DefinitionA control mechanism used to maintain or increase speed.
TermLean Angle
DefinitionThe angle at which a motorcycle leans while making a turn.
TermRiding in the Rain
DefinitionSpecial considerations and techniques for wet weather riding.
TermHigh Beam Use
DefinitionThe usage of high beam headlights for better visibility, especially at night.
TermChain Tension
DefinitionThe optimal tautness of the motorcycle's chain for safe operation.
TermSignal Lights
DefinitionDevices for indicating turns or lane changes.
TermWind Buffeting
DefinitionThe strong wind turbulence or pressure experienced at high speeds or behind larger vehicles.
TermTraffic Filtering
DefinitionA maneuver in which motorcycles move between slow-moving or stopped cars in a traffic jam, which is illegal in Illinois.
TermMotorcycle Jacket
DefinitionA special jacket, often reinforced with Kevlar or leather, designed to protect a rider in the event of a crash.
DefinitionCrossroads where multiple lanes of traffic meet; high-risk zones for motorcyclists.
TermLane Sharing
DefinitionTwo motorcycles sharing a single lane side-by-side, which is legal in Illinois but should be done cautiously.
TermDefensive Riding
DefinitionAnticipating and avoiding hazards rather than simply reacting to them.
TermGroup Riding
DefinitionRiding in a group or formation with other motorcycles, requiring special communication and spacing considerations.
TermFollowing Distance
DefinitionThe recommended space a motorcyclist should maintain between them and the vehicle in front.
TermEscape Route
DefinitionA path a rider can take to avoid a potential collision.
TermHelmet Types
DefinitionDifferent types of helmets (full face, open face, half helmet) offering various levels of protection.
TermCrash Avoidance
DefinitionTechniques to prevent accidents, such as scanning, predicting, deciding, and executing safe moves.
TermSurface Hazards
DefinitionRoad conditions that can pose risks, like potholes, oil slicks, railroad tracks, gravel, or wet leaves.
TermConvex Mirror
DefinitionA type of mirror used on motorcycles that provides a wider field of view, but can make objects seem smaller and further away.
TermMotorcycle Classifications
DefinitionDifferent types of motorcycles (e.g., cruiser, sport, touring, standard, dual-purpose, etc.) and their unique characteristics.
TermTurn Signals
DefinitionIndicators used to signal intention to turn or change lanes; should be manually cancelled after a turn or lane change.