FCAT Grade 8 Science Assessment Practice Questions - Question List

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6. The Montreal Protocol was established in 1989. It was an environmental protocol that mandated a reduction in the production of:
  1. Sulfides
  2. Chlorofluorocarbons
  3. Acid rain
  4. Carbon dioxide
  5. Ozone
7. According to the principle of superposition in stratigraphy, rock layers that are the oldest are:
  1. Found near the surface.
  2. Found just under the surface.
  3. Found in the lowest layer.
  4. In the core of the earth.
  5. Unable to be reached by mankind.
8. Radiodating is the use of radioactive elements to roughly determine the age of a layer of sediment. The amount of radioactive element remaining is compared to its ‘daughter element’, the element that it becomes after radioactivity ceases. Which of the following pairs of radioactive: daughter elements is correctly paired?
  1. Thorium à Radium
  2. Uranium à Lead
  3. Potassium à Helium
  4. Francium à Argon
  5. Rubidium à Lead
9. Tracy dissolves 2.5 grams of hydrochloric acid (HCl) into 1 liter of water. What is the pH of the solution?
  1. 1.1
  2. 1.6
  3. 1.9
  4. 2.5
  5. 3.1
10. Which of the following layers is directly beneath the Earth’s crust?
  1. Upper mantle
  2. Outer core
  3. Inner core
  4. Molten region
  5. Biosphere

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