DSST Human Cultural Geography Exam Prep - Question List

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What type of map shows the Earth's physical features?

  1. Political
  2. Topographic
  3. Chloropleth
  4. Mercator projection
32. How are density and dispersion different?
  1. Density is the number of individuals in an area and dispersion describes their proximity to one another.
  2. Dispersion measures the mobility of individuals in an area; density lists the individuals.
  3. Density describes the relative weight of individuals, divided by the population; dispersion is how that number changes over time.
  4. Dispersion is used in rural areas; density is used in urban areas.

Assuming a world population of 6,800,000,000 in 2009 and an annual growth rate of 1.1 percent, how many people will be added to the world's population within the next year?

  1. 74,000,000
  2. 74,800,000,000
  3. 7,480,000,000
  4. 748,000,000

What is it called when cultures grow and adapt repeatedly to their ever-changing environment?

  1. Interconnected adaptation
  2. Multilinear evolution
  3. Unilateral evolution
  4. Identical creativity
35. Why does every map have some degree of distortion?
  1. Because political boundaries constantly change
  2. Because the grid system is two-dimensional, but the Earth is three-dimensional
  3. Because a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distorting the curvature of topography
  4. Accurate maps do not have any distortion.

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