DSST Civil War and Reconstruction - Question List

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1. Frederick Douglass based his appeal for the end of enslavement for African Americans on which of the following?
  1. The differences between slavery in Africa and the United States
  2. The slaves' desire to return to their homeland in Africa
  3. The failure of the South to adequately justify the institution
  4. The promise of equality inherent in American law
  5. The economic hardship slavery created for the poor, white South
2. The South used all of the following rationales to justify slavery EXCEPT:
  1. Slaves were the descendants of the Biblical figure Cain.
  2. Slavery was common in Africa, so it represented little change in status.
  3. Slavery was a necessary component of all great societies.
  4. Slavery eliminated the need for a middle class in the South.
  5. Those of African descent were too child-like to live independently.
3. What was the last straw in the chain of events that caused the South to secede?
  1. The publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
  2. The Compromise of 1850
  3. The election of Abraham Lincoln
  4. The Dred Scott decision
  5. The Fugitive Slave law of 1850
4. Abraham Lincoln became famous for his anti-slavery position after which of the following events?
  1. His debates with Stephen Douglas
  2. The presidential campaign of 1860
  3. The Emancipation Proclamation
  4. The Missouri Compromise
  5. Becoming president of the American Anti-Slavery Society
5. The Ku Klux Klan, formed during the early days of Reconstruction, ceased to operate at the beginning of the 1870s and remained dormant for almost a half-century due to which legislation?
  1. Taft-Hartley Act
  2. Jim Crow laws
  3. The Force Acts
  4. Anti-miscegenation laws
  5. Redeemer laws

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